Letter from the President |
Welcome to the 2020-2021 School Year!
I know this is not the beginning of the school year that any of us imagined.
I've had parents ask if there was even a need for PTA this year with the ability to do many of our "traditional PTA events" in question. My answer is simply "YES!" PTA is needed more than ever! This is the year to remember our mission: Every Child's Potential a Reality.
PTA can be the unifier between families who are distance learning and learning in person. We all have the same goal...for our children to learn and be successful in school regardless of where that learning takes place.
This is also the perfect opportunity to reinvent and re-envision what it means to serve the families in your community. Take a new look at that favorite family event and find a new way to bring families together while keeping everyone safe. Or take this opportunity to offer something completely new and different! Be creative!
While this year may bring challenges, I firmly believe there will be many new opportunities to help all children reach their full potential in 2020-2021.
Rachel Mitchell President of Allen ISD Council of PTAs |
Just a few quick reminders of things that you should be doing this fall:
- Update check signers at the bank, if you haven't already
- Sign the Code of Ethics, Conflict of Interest Policy
- Adopt the Records Retention Policy
- Adopt e-commerce policy if it is not in your Standing Rules
- Approve Plans of Work (POW)
- Present and adopt budget amendments if needed
- Adopt local board goals for 2020-2021
- Review your Bylaws and Standing Rules (they must be reviewed by Texas PTA every 3 years)
- Meet with your Principal to discuss plans for the year (if you haven't already)
Please reach out if you have any questions or need help with anything.
Watch for more roundtable discussions this Fall as we navigate this year of changes and uncertainty.
Rachel Mitchell President of Allen ISD Council of PTAs president@allenisdcouncilpta.org
Allen ISD Council of PTAs Executive Board |
Local PTA Board Information |
If at any time any of your board members change or you fill empty positions, please email Christine Kless, Council Secretary, so we can update our contact info.
Thank you for your help!
Christine Kless Allen ISD Council of PTAs Secretary secretary@allenisdcouncilpta.org |
| Just a quick reminder that in order to be in good standing with Texas PTA, your PTA must file a form 990 within 60 days of the end of your fiscal year. Please make sure you fill it up online as the software will catch any mistakes and you get a receipt right away. The 990 is the responsibility of the outgoing treasurer, but as an incoming treasurer, make sure that it has been filed.
The beginning of the year is always hectic and confusing for new treasurers but I am here to support you! Please don't hesitate to reach out to me.
Hélène St-Pierre Allen ISD Council of PTAs Treasurer treasurer@allenisdcouncilpta.org |
Welcome to the new year everyone! I know that many folks have questions on the new procedures around meetings and voting. Please know that we are all here to help everyone through these new challenges. If you have any questions please let me know and we will make sure you are comfortable and confident so you can be there for your PTA. A quick link for some initial guidance is here at TXPTA Virtual Meeting Guidelines and of course you are welcome to contact me directly if you have any questions.
It is also time for everyone to start pulling out their Bylaws and Standing Rules to make sure that you are following those as well. I will be in touch soon to visit with everyone and make sure you all have the resources you need to help make this challenging year a success!
Thank you so much for all you do!
Terri Piorkowski Allen ISD Council of PTAs Parliamentarian parliamentarian@allenisdcouncilpta.org

- The week of August 24th we will do 2 sessions on preparations for PTA Board and Membership meetings.
- During the last week of September, we will have Roundtables led by all Council board members.
- We will also be sending out updates from Texas PTA on BASICS training and FLO training for new board members.
- Click here to view the FAQs from the Council General Roundtable that was held on July 21st.
What does fundraising look like at your school this year? Do you need a virtual fundraiser? Need to rethink your POW? Want to brainstorm some ideas? Feel free to reach out for any help you may need!
Alexandra Paterson Allen ISD Council of PTAs 4th VP, Ways and Means waysmeans@allenisdcouncilpta.org |
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The Reflections theme for the 2020-2021 school year is (drumroll, please!):

What a perfect theme for this year. We all matter. Our kids matter. We know they do.
Now, they can use this opportunity to show us why they do through words, photography, music, dance, film and visual arts.
We'd love to encourage each campus, and every teacher to incorporate this theme in your lesson planning. From social studies essays to music composition.. there's so many great ways our kids can express themselves. And we appreciate all help showcasing their talents.
For more information on PTA's Reflections contest and the six entry categories, please visit: https://www.pta.org/home/programs/reflections.
Sandra Turner Allen ISD Council of PTAs Arts in Education Chair artsineducation@allenisdcouncilpta.org

Your time is needed now more than ever!!!
The Allen ISD Council of PTAs is looking for volunteers to serve on the Communications Committee to help promote and share information to our local PTAs and community through social media outlets and quarterly newsletters. Please reach out to Ashley Breuer if you are interested in serving on the Communications Committee.
Ashley Breuer Allen ISD Council of PTAs Communications Chair communications@allenisdcouncilpta.org
 There are various benefits of living a healthy lifestyle, it is state of complete social, mental and personal life.It helps keep our body and mind in align and helps us in keeping a Good Health over all. To find out more on healthy lifestyle information, visit our partner website at itstimetexas.org and follow Action For Healthy Kids FB page. |
|  Let’s write an ENCOURAGING message for our first day back to school!