Letter from the President |
Welcome to 2021!
I can't believe we are already half-way through this school year! The next few months will bring opportunities for celebrations and the election of your 2021-2022 Executive Board. And through it all, we will still be looking for ways to reinvent our programs and hopefully bring opportunities to try new things. As you continue to move into this year, I ask that you keep your focus on what you CAN do for your students and families. Rachel Mitchell President of Allen ISD Council of PTAs president@allenisdcouncilpta.org |
- Ensure that the Sales Tax Return has been filed with the Texas Comptroller’s office (due January 20th for most PTAs.)
- Elect a Nominating Committee and alternates as prescribed in the bylaws at a Membership Meeting. (Note: updated information coming soon from Texas PTA)
- Ensure that the Parliamentarian provides clear instructions and guidelines to the Nominating Committee.
- Review progress on the approved plans of work.
- Amend your budget as necessary.
Local PTA Board Information |
If you have changes on your board, please let Christine Kless, Council Secretary know. She maintains the rosters for each of our local PTAs. This allows Council to be in contact with your board members to share upcoming training opportunities, tips, and reminders.
Christine Kless Allen ISD Council of PTAs Secretary secretary@allenisdcouncilpta.org |

Spring Programs Roundtable Tuesday, January 26, 11:30 am
We'll share stories, answer questions, help each other with Spring Programs Plans.
Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82563261478?pwd=Sy9DbHdhY2hnM3BYQU5ReXNRc011dz09
Meeting ID: 825 6326 1478 Passcode: 564305
One tap mobile +13462487799,,82563261478#,,,,*564305# US (Houston)
Dial by your location +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
Leah Taylor Allen ISD Council of PTAs 2nd VP, Programs programs@allenisdcouncilpta.org
| Congratulations to the following schools:
- Reed Elementary for winning the Head Start, Early Bird, and 3-Year High award
- Ereckson Middle School for winning the 3-Year High Award.
At least ten (10) new members this month will earn your PTA the Welcome Back Award. Mail your rosters and dues to Texas PTA, postmarked by January 31.
Insiya Patwa Allen ISD Council of PTAs 3rd VP, Membership membership@allenisdcouncilpta.org |

It’s that time again – the Allen Eagle Run is almost here! The best thing? Your registration and support benefit the Foundation for Allen Schools and all proceeds directly fund classroom grants, teacher and student scholarships, Allen PTA programs and campus projects! Your participation really makes a difference and, this year, there are a few options that make this event fun for the entire family – even across the miles!
The 2021 event involves your choice of a 1. Virtual 1 mile fun run/walk 2. A Virtual 5K or 3. A Sleep in registration. You will have the choice to walk around your neighborhood with family and friends or you can come walk a course we've put together on the RaceJoy APP. The course will have some great photo ops along the way too!
The 2021 course will start at the Allen High School tennis courts. You can complete your fun run/walk or 5K anytime between Saturday, February 27, 2021 and March 3, 2021. You can also upload your time through the RaceJoy APP and will still qualify for the 5K finisher medals!
To Register, CLICK HERE, and be sure to select the school you are supporting - then gather your family, lace up, and get moving! Let’s go, Allen ISD!

Alexandra Paterson Allen ISD Council of PTAs 4th VP, Ways and Means waysmeans@allenisdcouncilpta.org
Just a friendly reminder that sales tax return MUST be filed before January 20th, regardless if you have sold taxable items. The Texas Comptroller isn’t very forgiving and will fine anyone that files late. It is a very simple process and should be filed online.
This is my second year as Treasurer for Council, and the Nominating Committee will be looking for a new Treasurer in the next few weeks. Please let me know if you have any questions about the position.
Hélène St-Pierre Allen ISD Council of PTAs Treasurer treasurer@allenisdcouncilpta.org |

Keep Allen Beautiful Arbor Day Poster Contest
This year’s virtual poster contest is for 4th and 5th grade students in Allen ISD. The theme is “Trees are Terrific…Energy Wise!†The contest Activity Guide and Rubric are attached. Students can email a picture of their poster to ContestKAB@gmail.com. The submission deadline is Friday, February 5th by 5pm.
This city wide competition is judged by Keep Allen Beautiful Board Members and City Staff in early February. The Top 3 winners and the Grand Prize winner will be recognized at a virtual Allen City Council Meeting.
- Grand Prize: Tree planted in winner’s honor at their school or at a City park.
- Top 3 in city wide competition are celebrated through a virtual awards ceremony and then mailed certificates and gift cards.
- 1st Place: $20 gift card to Target
- 2nd Place: $15 gift card to Target
- 3rd Place: $10 gift card to Target
Joy Forester Allen ISD Council of PTAs Environmental Chair environmental@allenisdcouncilpta.org

To stay focused throughout the day and remain productive, it's important to build healthy habits. Get enough sleep and keep fit.
Tips to Improve Your Mental Fitness
- Read often and read widely
Reading proves to improve your vocabulary and memory.
- Take time to relax
When you relax, your hormones relax with you, schedule regular breaks for yourself each week.
- Exercise for 30 minutes everyday
Physical exercise delivers oxygen to your brain. This can help to improve your memory, reasoning abilities, and reaction times.
- Challenge your memory
Stretch yourself mentally to play crossword or chess.
- Take up a new hobby
Learning something new gives a workout and builds neural pathways in the brain.
- Exercise your brain with others
Watch question and answer game shows. Involve the family in regular games to test their general knowledge.
- Go for a walk
It boosts energy, improves your mood, and strengthens your heart.
- Don't forget to BREATHE
Breathing is the key to everything.
If you haven't yet joined School Health Advisory Board (SHAC) please join! Click here to join, membership is free! SHAC helps school district personnel and community members understand the basics of local school health advisory councils and their importance in creating a healthy environment for our students and schools.
Keeping ourselves and our family fit and happy is essential! Here is Ashley Breuer, Communications chair at ACPTA, an amazing person, who loves traveling, food, and her dogs.
Question: How do you stay fit? Answer: This has been a struggle for me the past few years due to some health issues. This year my goal is to focus on healthy habits like eating healthy, colorful foods and taking lots of walks. I've recently signed up for the Allen Eagle Run, and I am looking forward to participating with my family and friends.
Question: What is your favorite wellness quote? Answer: "Your body hears everything your mind says."
Question: What is your favorite recipe? Answer: On the weekends, my family and I like to take advantage of our slow cooker. Our favorite recipe is a pot roast with all the veggies. This is an easy peasy healthy meal you can enjoy with your family.

Prachi Mohanty Allen ISD Council of PTAs Healthy Lifestyles Chair healthylifestyles@allenisdcouncilpta.org
Join us for the first ever Virtual Rally Day! Participate in these wonderful events without having to travel to Austin. See the flyer below for information on how to register. More details to come.

Brandi Motion Allen ISD Council of PTAs Legislative Chair legislative@allenisdcouncilpta.org