Leadership is not about titles or the corner office. It’s about the willingness to step up, put yourself out there, and lean into courage. The world is desperate for braver leaders. It’s time for all of us to step up.
President’s Checklist: It’s time to check in and make sure you have met all those organizational requirements at the beginning of the year.
- POWs for all positions on your board approved by the Executive Board
- Budget amendments approved by Membership
- Ethics/Conflict of Interest Policy signed by all Executive Board Members
- Records Retention Policy completed and adopted at a Membership meeting
- 990 filed with the IRS
- Financial Reconciliation Report adopted at a Membership meeting
- Adopt the E-Commerce Policy (if it is NOT included in your Standing Rules)
- Membership dues sent to Texas PTA (need at least 20 members to be in Good Standing)
- All First-time Board members have completed Foundations ESSENTIALS (formerly FLO 1)
- ALL Executive Board members have complete Foundations BASICS for their position (any position without a specific training completes the new Boardsmanship training)
Looking ahead: What should you look at before the end of the year? - Review your By-laws and Standing Rules with the Parliamentarian (remember: By-laws and Standing Rules must be updated at least once every 3 years) If changes are deemed necessary, appoint, with the approval of the board, a Bylaws and Standing Rules Review Committee that includes the Parliamentarian as the committee chair.
- Meet with your Executive officers and Standing Chairs. How are they doing with their PTA responsibilities? Where do they need help?
- Begin explaining to board members how to prepare and organize a binder, flash drive or Google drive for their position that includes a timeline of the work they are doing during the year, their POW, board reports, and other documentation. It's never too early to start preparing for passing information to the next board!
Rachel Mitchell President of Allen ISD Council of PTAs president@allenisdcouncilpta.org
Thank you to all the attendees of the recent Council Fall Roundtables! The format was different this year, but we still accomplished a lot and had a great time getting to know each other better. If you, or your board, have further questions or would like specific training on any PTA topic please reach out to Jena Barocio to set something up.
Jena Barocio Allen ISD Council of PTAs 1st VP, Aide to President aide2president@allenisdcouncilpta.org
Local PTA Board Information |
If you have changes on your board, please let Christine Kless, Council Secretary know. She maintains the rosters for each of our local PTAs. This allows Council to be in contact with your board members to share upcoming training opportunities, tips, and reminders.
Christine Kless Allen ISD Council of PTAs Secretary secretary@allenisdcouncilpta.org |
| Allen Council of PTAs hosted an outdoor event to honor our Lifetime Award Recipients, Watch D.O.G.S. and Leadership Academy Graduates from 2019-2020 on Saturday, October 3, 2020. We had the opportunity to present certificates, provide treats, and take pictures. A big thank you to everyone who came to celebrate and honor our wonderful volunteers!
While we miss the formal celebrations that we have hosted in the past for our deserving recipients, we are very thankful that we had the opportunity to celebrate these amazing volunteers and staff members. Congratulations again to all our award recipients and Leadership Academy Graduates!
Click the button below to view and download pictures from our celebration.

Insiya Patwa Allen ISD Council of PTAs 3rd VP, Membership membership@allenisdcouncilpta.org |
Happy Fall Everyone! Thank you to all who attended the roundtables a couple weeks ago, I always enjoy getting to know everyone.
A couple of things to remember: - Everyone PTA should have submitted at least 20 membership dues to Texas PTA by now. If you haven't already done it, please get in touch with your VP of membership and do it as soon as possible.
- This year has been difficult and every local have been trying to reinvent the wheel with new programs and events. As a treasurer, it is your job to keep an eye on the budget and to make sure that the money is being distributed appropriately between students, the community, and staff. For example, because hosting community programs at this time is nearly impossible, it might be tempting to move the money into another budget line like staff appreciation budget. Should that become a trend at your school, talk with your budget committee and try to readjust your budget and remember that we serve the students, the community as well as the staff.
As always, should you have any questions, please reach out to me, and I'll be happy to help you out.
Hélène St-Pierre Allen ISD Council of PTAs Treasurer treasurer@allenisdcouncilpta.org |
We have an amazing community! Our Council of PTA Storage facility is well stocked for our students! Thank you to the Neighborhood Walmart on Exchange and Angel Pkwy for donating large amounts school supplies. NCL Allen has donated a large amount of hygiene products to help supply our students this year! Thank you Walmart and NCL!
Michel Ann Coleman Allen ISD Council of PTAs Community Relations Chair community@allenisdcouncilpta.org

Want to support the schools in our amazing district, but aren’t sure how to start? Easy - attend Spirit Nights!
This handy landing page and calendar highlight the upcoming events at our local schools. From tasty dinners, delicious desserts, and even dazzling jewelry - every dollar raised at a school’s Spirit Night will help support student programs and supply tools and resources for the school via the PTA.
You can make a difference one visit at a time! Join us!
Ashley Breuer Allen ISD Council of PTAs Communications Chair communications@allenisdcouncilpta.org
 "National Bike or Walk to School Day" was on October 7, 2020. ACPTA's Healthy Lifestyles Committee organized a contest through our Council's Facebook page, where we asked people to post pictures of them walking or biking to school, in a park, or their community. Our five winners were:
- Julie Mangan (Vaughan)
- Arcadie Raetchi (Bolin)
- Vanna Oberholz (Norton)
- Jennifer Dittrich (Lindsey)
- Tonia Nelson (Lindsey).
All the contestants picked up their prizes.

November is National PTA's Healthy Lifestyles Month. A healthy lifestyle is one that improves your health and well-being; good nutrition, daily exercise/meditation, and adequate sleep are at the foundation of continued good health. Let us celebrate Body and Mind!
- Monday: Motivational Monday-Pay it Forward Day
- Tuesday: Try it Tuesday with Taste the Rainbow
- Wednesday: Wellness Day
- Thursday: Thank You Day
- Friday: Rethink your Drink Day
Prachi Mohanty Allen ISD Council of PTAs Healthy Lifestyles Chair healthylifestyles@allenisdcouncilpta.org